Quotes that manifested via my brain
but who can really take credit for self-existing thoughtforms, anyway?
"By making comparisons of things you can't compare, you make expectations of things you shouldn't expect."
"Everything is perspective and perception." "To those who subscribe, religion can make the immoral moral (and the immoral moral). " "I get overzealous sometimes. Yeah." "You never can really objectively look at a situation, especially if you are in it... " "When intentions create expectations (through belief), it may lead to happiness; when expectations create intentions (through belief), then it may lead to slavery." "If you want something with no strings attached, sometimes you need to tie up the loose ends first." "Be mindful of those who take credit for your success or blame you for their failures." "Love is unconditional; but unconditional giving of other things may not always be nutritional." "Regardless of the imperfections of this or any other day, giving thanks with true gratitude is a great practice that is helpful in bringing peace to yourself and the world! Be happy with what you have to be happy with! You have to be thankful for what you have, to be thankful for what you have to be thankful for!" "Even just taking 20 seconds to truly appreciate your surroundings makes a world of difference." "Do what feels right; let it flow... Do what you love." "Playing music = chillaxing the mind." "Be careful when you set intentions; they just might manifest! "You have to put in the effort and intention, but due diligence usually pays off!" Affirmation: "I manifest with my heart towards my highest self and greatest good, which I intend to be for the sum of the greatest good of everyone I touch and beyond, outside of any boxes placed on me by others for their own self-interests." "If you see a door that looks promising, there's no harm in knocking; it might open for you!" "Fast and steady wins the race." "I call the spirits from above To help me see the light And touch and feel the breadth of flow To open the infinite" ~How i open the Akashik records "Accept the past; embrace the present; consider the future." "Some days are of such greatness that it makes the other days of enduring worth it!" "Are you happy with what you have to be happy with?" "I am consciously optimistic (not to be confused with cautiously)..." "Time for some carpe diem action..." "Judging someone else's judgement is like judging an experience you've never experienced. You can imagine what it would be like, but you'll never really know." "Inspiration needs no explanation." "Your past is merely a trail of dust, and every thought and intention you put into the present moment defines who you are in the future." "I enjoy positive growth in my beliefs through experience." "Share the toils and share the spoils." "The universe and people through their efforts create doorways for your intentions, fed by the law of attraction of the intentions you share; it's up to you to recognize these doorways, believe in them, put in some work on the trim or plane the door if needed, and cross the threshold to your dreams." "A key to manifestation is that when the doors of opportunity open, you have to walk through them." "If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything! But the only way to know is if you really put your mind to it!" "Nobody's path is superior except their own." "Mainfest your fate on a daily basis though intention in the non-physical world and action in the physical world." "I've never done it" does not mean "I can't do it." "What do you feel? What do you want?" "Measuring your own worth based on the qualities of others is like trying to measure time with a ruler." "The unknown is too vast to live in known unhappiness." "Life is too short to chase perfection, yet too long to be satisfied with mediocrity." "The synchronicity is unimaginable." "Speak to set intention; act to make it happen." "The power to reach our goal is always in the moment. When the moment arrives, be ready to perform the action that will help you reach your goal, and be aware when the moment is now." "Intentions change every moment and the force of our intentions over time on a consistent basis are what make results, not a single intention in a single moment, but rather a series of intentions over time." "Our life is but a wave in the ocean of consciousness." "Even when there's a reason to worry, that's not a good enough reason to worry." "I like to be proactive instead of reactive... Do stuff when you can, instead of waiting until you must..." "No regrets. Live while you still can; i have always lived, and i will continue to do so..." "Clearly, if you are committed to something, you can make it happen. The limit is your commitment." "If perception is reality then i have no complaints." "If you only stopped to ask why it was you lost your answer, you might find you asked the question wrong." "In any given moment, either accept your situation with all of your heart, change it to what you want, or get out of it." "You must first lose your way before you can find it." "Being in the moment without awareness is not being in the moment." "Everything in life has meaning and purpose, and through time it will all be revealed to us." "Be immersed in what you are doing, otherwise, you'll be immersed in what you are not doing or have lost." "It's not about the destination, it's about the journey." "Breathe in calmness and happiness... breathe out stress and worry..." "Consciousness is the main cause of the Universe and all living beings have emanated from It. We are one; if you hate someone you are really hating yourself in the end." "Group hugs - feel it." "When one says, “we are one,” it’s analogous to saying that we are the individual waves in the same ocean; however, in our case, each wave has its own consciousness and therefore the ability to alter its size and direction, therefore affecting the ocean in its own way, either going with the flow or or altering the flow by persistence of intent." "River flow to wash away confusion I have felt... The cards I chose are those that fell along the hand I’m dealt... The child is grown; the choice is mine; the path is at a fork... These things are so to make me grow and cause my mind to torque." "I don't agree that I should make myself feel bad so someone else can feel good. However, the lesson I want to learn is how to diffuse negative energy into something willing to take it on, like the endless white light of unconditional love that created us. The issue I'm working through is that in the past, I've had a reaction of redirecting negative energy back to its originator, often magnified with my own negative energy on the topic. This pisses people off immensely, makes others around us uncomfortable, and the intended ends of nobody are met. Choose my attitude, but strive to help others make a good choice as well. Use the force/source/love. For the next "heat of the moment!" "Does anyone else ever get the feeling that if you set and hold a clear, firm, and solid intention which you believe can happen, that more often than not, it eventually happens? I think the timeframes may be sketchy (have patience); this is often because the world keeps putting the doors out there and we keep drifting past them to the next one, carrying multiple intentions all the while..." "Embracing the transient nature of existence can make it easier." Words and punctuation are the overtones of a writer's voice. If you lie to others, you lie to yourself. |
"Having a land line is awesome, if for no other reason than to find my cell phone when I misplace it."
"We live beneath many layers. Some are for our protection, and some are for our control. " "Integrity is simple to measure - What did you say you would do versus what did you actually do? - Lacking integrity makes one totally unpredictable." "Cleaning the house is like cleaning the soul... Peel away the layers of accumulated debris that affect the comfort at which we partake in the current moments. Sometimes, when you clean a spot the best you think you can, you need to walk away for a minute and then come back to it so you can again perceive the next layer of debris." "IMHO, 'what you say' being consistent with 'what you do' is far more important than 'how you say it' because I can say anything nicely and with empathy, but if I don't do it, then it's only a transient astral feeling instead of a concrete physical action... just my two cents of ignorance." "So amazing how the sense of smell can teleport you back in time with a complete memory of the emotions and circumstances that went along with the moment when the scent was last prevalent in your life! Such a nostalgic sense we have." "Age is just a number...indeed. I've met too many wise 22 year-olds, too many childish 40-year-olds, too many washed-up 27-year-olds, and too many young-at-heart 60-year-olds to think otherwise." "Word of the day for me: Intexticated - driving under the influence of a smartphone." "It's so easy to speak words and set good intentions (and therefore easy to feel good about yourself after speaking words or setting intentions), but in this plane, there's no sure-fire replacement for directed physical action. Speak to set intention; act to make it happen. Consistency between actions and words is the harmony of manifestation." "Every man for himself eh? Thanks for letting me know. I do alright in those situations." "You don't even need a computer plugged into the back of your head to be hopelessly dependent on the system." "With good intentions and bad foresight, some people make big guarantees, and when the guarantees aren't delivered, all they have is more (yet smaller) guarantees... and repeat..." "Who needs the nightly news when you have facebook?" "Buyer beware: "BPA-FREE" might just mean they use "BPS" instead!" "Minor 9 chords!" "It's a manipulative game to claim that one would 'give all they can' and use this as a way to make others give to their interests, with the caveat being that they aren't giving it because they "can't." Do what's in your heart, but don't try to impose on the hearts of others with guilt from hypothetical scenarios." "Friday doesn't mean shit to me right now, but i can still feel the vibes! TGIF!" "Who needs Seinfeld when you have Facebook?" "In a society where marriage does not necessarily mean children (let alone a stay-at-home-parent); is often more meaningful on a tax return and benefits statement than a spiritual connection; can be done and undone through simple paperwork; and where sex has been disconnected from procreation and creating a family, supporting same-gender marriage is totally logical. Either way, let yourself shine and do what you do!" "It can be a long road of dedication and not giving up to take an idea farted out of your brain and turn it into something profitable." "You know it's going to be an epic show when load-in is at noon." "Should one settle on being happy, or try to be happier, or engage in the possibly-never-ending search to be happiest?" "You really do have to "be there" to play the sax. Jazz Yoga = meditation." "The terrorists (in government) hate our freedom" "It's something when the Onion puts out more believable news than mainstream media..." "So, should the country die by increasing the debt limit or by defaulting?" "3 things i should remember to bring to every future show: ear plugs, flashlight, saxophone." "Won't need that iPhone if you don't have any iFood." "hmmm, dumping water from helicopters on 3 melted-down nuke reactors seems like a desperation move if i've ever seen one. Time to put things in perspective." "Global warming from too much CO2 seems preferable to global irradiation from too much fallout." "The tactics of oppressive governments and religions is always the same - divide the people so they are fighting themselves and each other, then pose as the savior to the manufactured problem." "There is no truth without a truth on which to base it." "Just because you can't explain something doesn't make it false; just because you can explain something doesn't make it true." "Looking for the best full-time software development job is a full-time job." "Is it wrong to have a veggie burger with bacon on it? nah..." "I love it when I get schooled." "At this point in our history, we need to realize that government, media, and mainstream dogma is not always for the best interests of the individual (this means you), so do your own research." "Note to self - don't give high fives from the stage to random very overweight drunken stalker girls for it might result in them claiming to "know the sax player" to avoid getting kicked out of the venue for falling on the floor drunk (twice).... disturbing..." "Scientific theories are just that, so don't be fooled by those who tell you that the current state of science will show you "the truth." Theories change all the time, and science is limited by perception. Flames and debaters welcome." "Plan for Bankers to own you and all land: step 1: offer unlimited credit to jack up prices and create a housing bubble frenzy. step 2: pull the rug out where people can't resell the homes and default to the bank which then owns the house on money they printed out of thin air. Step 3: make even more money on the homes gotten for free by renting them out to the very people they took the houses from. Super genius." "So, a "drug facts" warning is required on every fluoride toothpaste box (which is not required on non-fluoride toothpaste) because fluoride is a drug. It is touted as improving some aspect of the body through chemistry. So why is it ok to force people to take drugs via municipal drinking water, and why do cities spend millions of dollars each year to buy the waste by-product of fertilizer manufacturers to do so?" "In the most recent Colorado election, marijuana legalization got more votes than the president did." "Ayahuasca tastes even worse on the way back up, but oh what tales it has to tell!" Just imagine if you could be Inside a place where you could see Exactly what you saw once ago Experience it with now what you know Some days high and some days low Some days fast and some days slow Time will pass and come to show That soon will grow the seeds we sow Oh the things i've learned Oh the days I've yearned But as time marches on Let us not be withdrawn Nor follow as a pawn But instead move along To a future more strong Moments with a flower Of beauty i am showered But the transience of a rose Will always come to a close And many a dawn await For life to continue to create Empowerment is what you need To reach the goals you seek Rely on others to succeed May you among the meek Readin bout Chinese health and healing Seeing the concepts that i'm feeling Yin and Yang in all our dealings So many examples, there's no ceiling "Let's focus on the fact of man-made pollution instead of the theory of man-made global warming!" When your heart has been ignited But your love is unrequited Don’t feel like you’ve been slighted Or behave like you’re benighted Inside be reunited With the love you have incited Keep it out to be invited But look within to be delighted Witnessing the intricacy of the universe working like clockwork to make stuff happen in the physical plane is amazing. |
FACEBOOK DISCLAIMER: Any posts of mine related in some vague way to my actual life experiences and delivered via concise quotes of my own or other famous or worshiped people should not be construed as hidden messages to friends and loved ones disparaging them with my beliefs. I am enjoying the journey for higher truths, and one of the stops along the way is critical thinking. I know we will likely not all come to the same conclusions this iteration of life, but I hope our relationships can have a higher meaning beyond the two of us. I hope everyone can look at my day to day interactions with them on the physical plane and posts on the Facebook plane with the light that I understand that I'm not perfect, but I strive to evolve. I know the duality that we are all perfect in the web of life as the moments go, but my intention is that as the moments go, I can reconcile thoughts and patterns on the mental plane that create peaceful and joyous outcomes on the emotional and physical planes for as far as the webs can flow. I enjoy understanding the bigger picture by hearing all sides, and hope to help others see it to make their own decisions on how to think and act. For me, spouting this gibberish is a good way to mind dump it; I'd like to think I'm entertaining someone; and I certainly don't want to hurt anyone. While permanent awareness in the moment is more valuable, I enjoy critical thinking on so many different topics, i love you all...
The reality of it is.............. ....... . ........... . . ........... . . .. .. ......... . ............... . ..................... . ........................... ............. ............... ............... .............. ...... . . . . .................................. ........... .. ...................... ............ ....................... .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... .... ................ ............................ ........................... ............... ................ ......... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ................... ............... .... . ............... . ........ ................ ......... ................ ...... . . . .what you make of it.......... .......... . .............. ............................... ................. .................... ....................... .......... ............... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .................... .what else would it be? . .what someone else thinks it is? ..... ........... ................ ..... . ... . . .. .. . . ................... ............ . ................................... . .... . . ok, if you say so..
The reality of it is.............. ....... . ........... . . ........... . . .. .. ......... . ............... . ..................... . ........................... ............. ............... ............... .............. ...... . . . . .................................. ........... .. ...................... ............ ....................... .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... .... ................ ............................ ........................... ............... ................ ......... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ................... ............... .... . ............... . ........ ................ ......... ................ ...... . . . .what you make of it.......... .......... . .............. ............................... ................. .................... ....................... .......... ............... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .................... .what else would it be? . .what someone else thinks it is? ..... ........... ................ ..... . ... . . .. .. . . ................... ............ . ................................... . .... . . ok, if you say so..
Quotes from Others to which I subscribe
"If you think you think you can, or if you think you can't, either way, you're correct. It's the thinking that makes it so." ~Kevin Trudeau paraphrasing Henry Ford regarding the law of attraction.
"Happiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue." ~Viktor Frankl "You become what you think about most of the time" ~Earl Nightingale (paraphrased) and so follows, "You get what you think about most of the time" ~Kevin Trudeau "Anything the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." ~Napoleon Hill "If you want things in your life to change, you have to change things in your life." ~Yet another eloquent Proverb I just heard "No matter how far you've gone down the wrong road, turn back..." ~Fortune Cookie "If you continue to think like you've always thought, you'll continue to get what you've always got." ~Proverb "Facts are just people's opinions" ~Kevin Trudeau "The sacrifice which causes sorrow to the doer of the sacrifice is no sacrifice. Real sacrifice lightens the mind of the doer and gives him a sense of peace and joy. The Buddha gave up the pleasures of life because they had become painful to him.” ~Mahatma Gandhi "We are continually causing effects, unconsciously and consciously. The more we understand our power and nature's conditions, the more can we bring about the effects we desire, and prevent the events we dislike. If (we) will constantly bear in mind that karma is (simply) action and re-action, and that this works on every plane of nature, works everywhere and always, and is inherent in the nature of things, many of his difficulties will disappear;" ~Annie Besant "We are continually faced by great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems." ~Lee Iacocca "Action expresses priorities." ~Mahatma Gandhi "Life is better lived than conceptualized." ~Bruce Lee "All of us must remember science can tell us what is empirically unlikely but not what is empirically impossible." ~Marcello Truzzi (who also coined the term "Pseudoskepticism") "Just keep showing up" ~Ephraim Owens "Free yourself from attachment." ~Buddha et al "Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else." ~Judy Garland "Action is the foundational key to all success." ~Pablo Picasso "The limit to your ability is where you place it."~Fortune Cookie "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ~Wayne Dyer "Who knows what tomorrow may bring..." ~Steve Winwood "Truth is eternal, knowledge is changeable. It is disastrous to confuse them." ~Madeleine L'Engle "Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but looking outward in the same direction." ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery "If you want things in your life to change, you have to change things in your life" ~Brian Tracy (quoted in The Big Fucking Secret) "Fear doesn't exist anywhere except in the mind." ~Dale Carnegie "Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product." ~Eleanor Roosevelt "The key...is to believe and feel fully, down to the core of your being that you happen to things (rather than that things happen to you), and that the things you want to happen will happen." ~Jeffrey Grupp "Belief is the knowledge of the heart, the words of the tongue, and the actions of the body. ..." ~Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W.) "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. If you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." ~Jesus Christ "Every person is an instrument in this orchestra which is the whole universe, and his voice is the music that comes from each instrument." ~Hazrat Inayat Khan Act or no act, doing or no doing, becomes utterly blissful. It does not have to be caused by something. When your happiness is caused, you become attached to the cause because you are afraid that if you lose the cause your happiness will disappear. ~Osho "Mind is the program and the brain is the computer that is programmed." ~Osho "We got to live together; we got to love one another; we got to stand together cuz... we're all the same in nature" ~Matata "In life, nothing can be captured or imprisoned. One has to live in openness, allowing all kinds of experiences to happen, being fully grateful as long as they last. Thankful, but not afraid of tomorrow." ~Osho "A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself--and especially to feel, or not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at any moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to--letting a person be what he really is." ~Jim Morrison "Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.” ~Jim Morrison "You may be wrong, but there is no way to know it unless you follow the road to the very end, all the way... Even if this road comes to a dead end and it leads nowhere and you have to come back, nothing to worry about... You are acquainted with wrong now more than before. Now you know what is false; it will help you to find out the truth." ~Osho "Spectators cannot have significance--only participants, totally involved, intensely involved in every action." ~Osho "The real master creates masters, not followers."~Osho "Any idiot can be obedient--in fact, only idiots can be obedient." ~Osho "If you would only start the journey, then you will surely find what you seek." ~Tony Alexander "All I wish is that I may be able to maintain a balance between the religion of the body and the religion of the soul" -Deepak Yogi "Happy with what you have to be happy with you have to be happy with what you have to be happy with what you have." ~King Crimson "Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth." -John F. Kennedy "Things do not happen. Things are made to happen." - John F. Kennedy "I'm a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." -Thomas Jefferson "You don't get something for nothing You can't have freedom for free You won't get wise With the sleep still in your eyes No matter what your dreams might be." - Neal Peart "And the sound that I'm hearing is only the sound of the low spark of high-heeled boys." ~Steve Winwood "Action speaks louder than words" ~Houseman "Tell am to go straight; A joro, jara, joro." ~Fela Kuti "Man who is a hundred percent sane is dead. A little bit of craziness by the side is always a great joy. Go on doing a few crazy things, too. And then meaning will be possible." ~Osho "Be total in everything that you are doing. What you are doing is immaterial. Cleaning the floor, cooking the food, taking a shower — it doesn’t matter what you are doing. My emphasis is not on what you have to do, my emphasis is on how you do it. If you do it totally, it becomes meditation. Even if you do meditation half-heartedly it is not meditation." ~Osho Quotes from my twitter feed
"You don't need a formal conspiracy when interests converge." ~George Carlin
"I am more liberal than Obama, and more conservative than Romney. I think most Americans fall into this category. Where are they being represented?" ~Gary Johnson "Can I ponce a fag?" ~asked to my friends by an English woman in San Francisco. "Cuz I got my own world to live in, and I ain't gonna copy you..." ~Jimi Hendrix "Well, I was born to have adventure..." ~Frank Zappa "Never has there been a more exciting time for all of us to explore this next great frontier where the boundaries between work and higher purpose are merging into one, where doing good really is good for business." ~Richard Branson "The system isn't broken... It's Fixed." ~Judge Andrew Napolitano "War is just another big government program." ~Judge Andrew Napolitano "One of the biggest tragedies of human civilization is the precedence of chemical therapy over nutrition. It's the substitution of artificial therapy over natural, of poisons over food, in which we are feeding people poisons trying to correct the reactions of starvation." Dr. Royal Lee, 1935 "Drop the knowledge and become more creative...knowledge is gathered; you need not be creative about it; you have only to be receptive. And that's what man has become: man has been reduced to a spectator." ~Osho "The world is gonna pull through! ... I sure as hell hope so." ~Josh Pearson" "Loose lips sink ships." ~Idiom "[W]hen you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you. . . you may know that your society is doomed.” ~From Atlas Shrugged "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power. ~Benito Mussolini "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." ~Lenin "Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves." ~Former Secretary of Defense William Cohen "Give me power of a nation's money – then I don't care who gives the laws." ~Mayer Amschel Rothschild "We are waging war across the middle east on a credit card, one whose limit is rapidly approaching." ~Rand Paul "Man thinks 'cause he rules the earth he can do with it as he please And if things don't change soon, he will. Oh, man has invented his doom, First step was touching the moon." ~Bob Dylan "Public debt is the greatest of the dangers to be feared. It is incumbant on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes." ~Thomas Jefferson "To perceive Christmas through its wrappings becomes more difficult with every year. ~Elwyn Brooks Whit Namaste: "That which is of God in me greets that which is of God in you. "In charge of who is there in charge of me. Do I look on blindly and say I see the way? The truth is written all along the page. How old will I be before I come of age for you? I get up, I get down." ~Yes "What we're doing and what we're accepting and putting up with at the airport is so symbolic of us just not standing up and saying enough is enough." ~Ron Paul "Cause you got to know when to hold em... know when to fold em... know when to walk away... know when to run." ~Kenny Rogers "The inconvenient truth in drug policy is that Americans love drugs." ~Bill Piper "I'm gonna be Iron like Lion in Zion." ~ Bob Marley "So you can run and tell THAT, homeboy!" ~Antoine Dodson "I get by with a little help from my friends; i get high with a little help from my friends; gonna try with a little help from my friends." ~Ringo Starr "If you didn't exercise yesterday, you need to exercise today." ~Author Unknown "When we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country in Kenya, we took a public HIV test." ~Michelle Obama + "What it reminded me of was...the hope that people saw just in the sheer presence of somebody like Barack Obama – a Kenyan, a black man, a man of great statesmanship who they believe could change the fate of the world.” ~Michelle Obama = Birther Blues "He that lives upon hope will die fasting." ~Benjamin Franklin All our final decisions are made in a state of mind that is not going to last. ~Marcel Proust "I walked in the kitchen and took that first hit--and it's always about the first hit; the other hits are all in vain, trying to recapture that first one..." -Anthony Keidis "I didn't have to go all the way to India for spiritual enlightenment. The blue-collar spirituality of everyday life was right in front of me; it was in every nook and cranny if I wanted to seek it..." ~Anthony Kiedis "...all the romantic glorification of dope fiendery amounts to nothing but a hole of shit. It has to appear enticing, because that's why... creative intelligence, or whatever... put that energy here.... a learning tool, and you can either kill yourself with it or you can turn yourself into a free person with it. I don't think drug addition is inherently useless, but it's a rough row to hoe." ~ Anthony Kiedis "Nobody asked me, so here's my advice To a young man or woman who's living this life In a world gone to hell, where nobody's safe Do not go quietly unto your grave." ~ Mark Sandman "No escape from the mass-mind rape; Play it again, Jack... And then rewind the tape... and then play it again and again until ya mind is locked in... Believin' all the lies that they're tellin' ya; Buyin' all the products that they're sellin' ya; They say jump and you say how high? You brain-dead? You got a f*ckin bullet in the head? Just victims of the in-house drive-by... They say jump you say how high." ~Zach De La Rocha "Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness." -James Thurber "Let me say this as clearly as I can: No matter how sharp a grievance or how deep a hurt, there is no justification for killing innocents." -William J. Clinton "We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children." -Jimmy Carter "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” – Abraham Lincoln "Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future." - John F. Kennedy "People do not make wars; governments do." -Ronald Reagan "With government intervention, the discipline of a free market is suspended, and the cost of failure or fraud is politically passed to the taxpayers. Depositors continue to live in a dream world of false security, and banks can operate recklessly and fraudulently with the knowledge that their political partners in government will come to their rescue when they get into trouble." - G. Edward Griffin "Be curious, not judgemental" ~attributed to Walt Whitman The future influences the present just as much as the past. ~Nietzsche |
Copyright © 2014 Russell E Dobda