The Dark Side of the Mind
These writings were written when I was studying at the University of Pittsburgh. None of this has been changed since then to keep the flavor. I still agree with some of it, but my opinions have of course shifted over the years to be more optimistic. The main thing I've come to believe since then is that "the creative consciousness" is the force competing with entropy that some call "godliness." Of course, at that time, my only references to spiritualism were those I invented and those told to me by others with which I harmonized. I never had any exposure to Buddhism, Theosophy, or the related things that better describe the concept of 'godliness,' (to which the newest Catholic theology harmonizes, IMHO), but I did touch on them through my own natural intuition below, still calling it 'god.' At this time, I was changing my major from pre-med to information science partially because I couldn't go with my honors bio2 class's idea that we are simply the Darwinian evolutionary products of entropy, which they defined as the tendency for things to move towards chaos. A lot of the other stuff is related to my experiences in Pittsburgh at the time.
Entropy is simply described as the amount of chaos there is. A generally accepted theory in science is that every time a spontaneous reaction occurs, the entropy of the universe increases.
A good example of this is your bedroom. It gets messy with time. Things natually go toward a more disorganized state, a higher state of entropy. Another example is ice melting: Water is less organized than ice.
Lets say you freeze water, thus decreasing the entropy of it. Well, to do this you must take energy away, and the energy goes out of the water to cause more chaos somewhere else in the universe.
Evolution is thought to be the product of entropy. As organized as our bodies are, the only reason they became this way is because the organized systems lived on through trial and error. Billions and billions of simple chemical reactions that each took the universe one step farther toward complete chaos.
The theory of entropy is central in science, and if you believe in entropy, you believe in evolution, and refute creation, and are a sinner.. oh well :) There just might be a God, but the idea that he made people with a wave of his hand just seems a little hard to swallow.
A good example of this is your bedroom. It gets messy with time. Things natually go toward a more disorganized state, a higher state of entropy. Another example is ice melting: Water is less organized than ice.
Lets say you freeze water, thus decreasing the entropy of it. Well, to do this you must take energy away, and the energy goes out of the water to cause more chaos somewhere else in the universe.
Evolution is thought to be the product of entropy. As organized as our bodies are, the only reason they became this way is because the organized systems lived on through trial and error. Billions and billions of simple chemical reactions that each took the universe one step farther toward complete chaos.
The theory of entropy is central in science, and if you believe in entropy, you believe in evolution, and refute creation, and are a sinner.. oh well :) There just might be a God, but the idea that he made people with a wave of his hand just seems a little hard to swallow.
Entropy is the destruction of the planet
Many people are trying to save the world. Many feel that our planet is in shambles and if we don’t act soon, there will be no more planet earth. If this were a fact, is it so bad? Is it stoppable?
The human race (as far as we know) is the first species on this planet with a the ability to reason on a “higher” level. We are the first species with a superego, or conscience. We are the top of a ladder of evolution that started with a single strand of RNA. We are where the planet is in its quest for perfection through entropy. We are nature.
Through our years of existence, we have ravaged this planet...or have we? Every other species has treated this planet with no respect. The sole function of every living thing on the earth has been to keep itself alive. Of course, the ones who succeeded lived on to have offspring who in turn kept the ball rolling. We are the first species who has began to look at things from Earth’s perspective, and realize that it may not be here forever.
The truth is, this planet will be around longer than we will, and life will prevail, it has always found a way, and it always will. If we make it uninhabitable for ourselves, it is part of mother nature’s progression, and some other life form will prevail.
You can look at this in two ways:
The world is getting harder to live in. Murders, riots, disease.. it is all catching up with us. They say murder isn’t necessary, but it is keeping the fit alive. The weak-bodied and strong-minded set the rules that we should be civilized, and not be like every other living thing on the planet. Social structure has never been more organized than in our species. Everything from racism to rape to white-collar crime can be explained through the fact that only the fit survive in a world not fit for the weak. Entropy rules all, and you can’t stop it. In fact, you are nothing. People act like they are the greatest things to hit the Earth since its conception. Things that are “man made” carry significance that makes them different from being “natural”. Anything man made is natural, for we are natural.
Our destruction of the planet cannot be blamed on ourselves, the blame can go nowhere. The proof of this lies in an old psychology theorem that can be carried on to the original strand of RNA... You can’t blame a person for being “bad,” it is how their parents raised them, but you can’t blame their parents because that’s how THEIR parents raised THEM, etc..etc.., we are just a chain link that has started too far back for us to think about and will continue too far ahead for us to imagine.
Then again, this can all be refuted if you are a born-again Christian and believe that God put us here................................if this is the case, you better keep praying.
The human race (as far as we know) is the first species on this planet with a the ability to reason on a “higher” level. We are the first species with a superego, or conscience. We are the top of a ladder of evolution that started with a single strand of RNA. We are where the planet is in its quest for perfection through entropy. We are nature.
Through our years of existence, we have ravaged this planet...or have we? Every other species has treated this planet with no respect. The sole function of every living thing on the earth has been to keep itself alive. Of course, the ones who succeeded lived on to have offspring who in turn kept the ball rolling. We are the first species who has began to look at things from Earth’s perspective, and realize that it may not be here forever.
The truth is, this planet will be around longer than we will, and life will prevail, it has always found a way, and it always will. If we make it uninhabitable for ourselves, it is part of mother nature’s progression, and some other life form will prevail.
You can look at this in two ways:
- First, you can refute this and say that we have the reigns of evolution and are not doomed, we can control fate, and this is not a sin. We can attempt to save the planet and ourselves...or..
- You can say “to hell with it all” and waste and litter, and overpopulate, and use up natural resources, and whatnot, and wait for the inevitable end that would no doubt come to our race anyway.
The world is getting harder to live in. Murders, riots, disease.. it is all catching up with us. They say murder isn’t necessary, but it is keeping the fit alive. The weak-bodied and strong-minded set the rules that we should be civilized, and not be like every other living thing on the planet. Social structure has never been more organized than in our species. Everything from racism to rape to white-collar crime can be explained through the fact that only the fit survive in a world not fit for the weak. Entropy rules all, and you can’t stop it. In fact, you are nothing. People act like they are the greatest things to hit the Earth since its conception. Things that are “man made” carry significance that makes them different from being “natural”. Anything man made is natural, for we are natural.
Our destruction of the planet cannot be blamed on ourselves, the blame can go nowhere. The proof of this lies in an old psychology theorem that can be carried on to the original strand of RNA... You can’t blame a person for being “bad,” it is how their parents raised them, but you can’t blame their parents because that’s how THEIR parents raised THEM, etc..etc.., we are just a chain link that has started too far back for us to think about and will continue too far ahead for us to imagine.
Then again, this can all be refuted if you are a born-again Christian and believe that God put us here................................if this is the case, you better keep praying.
What is good??
good: adj, commendable; right; proper; virtuous
bad: adj, ill or evil; wicked. Who is to say what is good and what is bad? The high governors of our world set the laws and rules that determine what is bad, and these people are voted in (usually) by the masses, so we all pretty much have an idea of what is “good” and what is “bad”.
We can start with the simplest of things: murder. Most deem this bad, (the Christian religion states “Thou shalt not kill”, but seemed to condone the Crusades and mass killings of non-believers). In fact, nobody can deem “good” and “bad” without hypocrisy. The “no murdering” laws were no doubt set by people who couldn’t defend themselves against a physically stronger person. However, these weak people were smart enough to make such a law, and thus are stronger in another sense. It is OK to murder animals for human use.. What is human use? Well, eating nowadays, before it could have been even for fashion, but this is the 90’s. At any rate, it is OK for person X to kill an animal because it benefits him. Well, why can’t person X kill person Y; because if Y is out of the picture, X will have a better job, and will benefit.
At the other end of the list we have rules against drugs. Granted, young people are not allowed to use alcohol, and if all drugs were legalized, shouldn’t be allowed access to them because they are not yet old enough to decide what is right and wrong for them yet (or so they say).. But, how can the state prevent people from self-annihilation through the use of drugs? How can they have the right? Is suicide a crime? The most basic right that all people should have (if this country is indeed what it says.. that is “free”) is the right to die. One might say that they that they don’t want to hire a drug user for a job because it is anti- productive, and that of course makes sense, but the solution is to NOT hire them! Ahh, but it is not that simple, and this leads us to another aspect of “good” and “Bad”.. discrimination.
Nowadays, “good” and “bad” has stretched beyond the realms of black and white issues such as murder, to being “politically corrct”. In every sentence you make, there is someone on this planet who can take offense to it. Blacks, or Negroes, or African- Americans, take offense to every one of those names. So what shall a “white-boy” (I prefer European-American myself), like I do? If I have a company, I can no longer choose who I hire based on skill, somebody set a rule that says it must be skin color. And lets just say I was a racist . Well, I had the skills to own a company, and if I pass up a better worker because he is black, then I lose, and I am not business smart, and my company loses, and I fail and become a bum. Tough shit for ME. (this of course does not imply that i am such a person.. i personally think that this type of person is a pig.. but he should have a right to run his business any way he chooses.)
And that last sentence brings me to another concept of good and bad...swear words. Who is it that said that groups of letters can be arranged in such a way that are not acceptable to our culture? What makes “fornication” OK and “fuck” wrong? The only solution to this is desensitizing these words so much that they no longer carry such a negative connotation.
Oh yes, and of course the very word and meaning of the word “fuck” carries with it a whole other set of “good” and “bad” and that is sex. Why is it such a taboo? Without sex, none of us would be here. Without reproduction, that first strand of RNA would not have formed another, etc.. Who said that you should be married before you have sex? Why does the Christian religion say its bad. I'm so sick of religions making pompous statements and never having any reasoning behind them except “it is God’s way.” That pisses me off as much as when my dad used to say “because I said so.” The reasons stemmed from somewhere, but at this point they are just far to antiquated to follow.
In some cases, however it is just the opposite. The antiquated methods have been so much turned around that it is ridiculous in the other direction. For instance, I draw an example of this from oppression. First, the oppression of blacks: They were enslaved, this is “wrong” by the standards of freedom, and since have been freed. However, it has taken many years for them to be considered “equals” and now in many cases they do not deserve to be. I am downright sick of turning on the news and hearing about how one Brother shot another. Now, blacks are favored for their skin color. Here I am, a white American male, and probably the most discriminated against group in the world today. What about MY forefathers who fought for their freedom from oppression from the British? I know it was a long time ago, but it happened.
The other case is women. No matter what you say to a female today, you are a pig. I know the line has been crossed many a time, but when a man can be sued for merely mentioning sex (with no intentions of performing it with her) to a woman is when the scale has been tipped in the other direction.
Good and bad are two words used so often and carry a connotation of a line that is distinct. This is by no means the case, and in the true aspect of the universe, a universe controlled only by entropy, there is no good and bad, for no matter what you do, you have taken yet another step toward chaos.
bad: adj, ill or evil; wicked. Who is to say what is good and what is bad? The high governors of our world set the laws and rules that determine what is bad, and these people are voted in (usually) by the masses, so we all pretty much have an idea of what is “good” and what is “bad”.
We can start with the simplest of things: murder. Most deem this bad, (the Christian religion states “Thou shalt not kill”, but seemed to condone the Crusades and mass killings of non-believers). In fact, nobody can deem “good” and “bad” without hypocrisy. The “no murdering” laws were no doubt set by people who couldn’t defend themselves against a physically stronger person. However, these weak people were smart enough to make such a law, and thus are stronger in another sense. It is OK to murder animals for human use.. What is human use? Well, eating nowadays, before it could have been even for fashion, but this is the 90’s. At any rate, it is OK for person X to kill an animal because it benefits him. Well, why can’t person X kill person Y; because if Y is out of the picture, X will have a better job, and will benefit.
At the other end of the list we have rules against drugs. Granted, young people are not allowed to use alcohol, and if all drugs were legalized, shouldn’t be allowed access to them because they are not yet old enough to decide what is right and wrong for them yet (or so they say).. But, how can the state prevent people from self-annihilation through the use of drugs? How can they have the right? Is suicide a crime? The most basic right that all people should have (if this country is indeed what it says.. that is “free”) is the right to die. One might say that they that they don’t want to hire a drug user for a job because it is anti- productive, and that of course makes sense, but the solution is to NOT hire them! Ahh, but it is not that simple, and this leads us to another aspect of “good” and “Bad”.. discrimination.
Nowadays, “good” and “bad” has stretched beyond the realms of black and white issues such as murder, to being “politically corrct”. In every sentence you make, there is someone on this planet who can take offense to it. Blacks, or Negroes, or African- Americans, take offense to every one of those names. So what shall a “white-boy” (I prefer European-American myself), like I do? If I have a company, I can no longer choose who I hire based on skill, somebody set a rule that says it must be skin color. And lets just say I was a racist . Well, I had the skills to own a company, and if I pass up a better worker because he is black, then I lose, and I am not business smart, and my company loses, and I fail and become a bum. Tough shit for ME. (this of course does not imply that i am such a person.. i personally think that this type of person is a pig.. but he should have a right to run his business any way he chooses.)
And that last sentence brings me to another concept of good and bad...swear words. Who is it that said that groups of letters can be arranged in such a way that are not acceptable to our culture? What makes “fornication” OK and “fuck” wrong? The only solution to this is desensitizing these words so much that they no longer carry such a negative connotation.
Oh yes, and of course the very word and meaning of the word “fuck” carries with it a whole other set of “good” and “bad” and that is sex. Why is it such a taboo? Without sex, none of us would be here. Without reproduction, that first strand of RNA would not have formed another, etc.. Who said that you should be married before you have sex? Why does the Christian religion say its bad. I'm so sick of religions making pompous statements and never having any reasoning behind them except “it is God’s way.” That pisses me off as much as when my dad used to say “because I said so.” The reasons stemmed from somewhere, but at this point they are just far to antiquated to follow.
In some cases, however it is just the opposite. The antiquated methods have been so much turned around that it is ridiculous in the other direction. For instance, I draw an example of this from oppression. First, the oppression of blacks: They were enslaved, this is “wrong” by the standards of freedom, and since have been freed. However, it has taken many years for them to be considered “equals” and now in many cases they do not deserve to be. I am downright sick of turning on the news and hearing about how one Brother shot another. Now, blacks are favored for their skin color. Here I am, a white American male, and probably the most discriminated against group in the world today. What about MY forefathers who fought for their freedom from oppression from the British? I know it was a long time ago, but it happened.
The other case is women. No matter what you say to a female today, you are a pig. I know the line has been crossed many a time, but when a man can be sued for merely mentioning sex (with no intentions of performing it with her) to a woman is when the scale has been tipped in the other direction.
Good and bad are two words used so often and carry a connotation of a line that is distinct. This is by no means the case, and in the true aspect of the universe, a universe controlled only by entropy, there is no good and bad, for no matter what you do, you have taken yet another step toward chaos.
Can Money Buy Happiness? Fun
Wouldn’t it be great to inherit millions of dollars? Hell, even just 10 million would make you set for life. No working, no cares, nothing.
Is money everything? Would you be set? Probably, you would quit your job and having nothing to do. All your time would be fun time. Now, you wait for the weekends, and have fun. Things are different, the weekend brings a change of pace, an adventure. If everyday were a weekend-day, fun would not be a change, and it would cease to be fun. Then, you’d have to reach for more, because man was meant to never be content (this is explained by the bible [so you may disregard it..but i think Genesis 3 sums it up nicely], but in a scientific sense makes sense too: Entropy makes us strive toward chaos, or in our case, a “higher level” of contentedness). You would probably start to do drugs or something, and of course you would want even more money.. oh, sure, 10 million is good enough you say, but how many athletes make that in a 30 second commercial and want more money? How may millionaire entertainers have died of drug overdoses? It is human nature not to be content.
Not only would you not be content, but you would begin to question whether your friends are your friends for you or your money (perhaps thinking this only because you now have too much time on your hands). Then, you would abandon your friends and search for friends who are already rich, thus limiting your scope to people you learned to hate when you were only in the middle-class.
Then, you might decide to have kids, you may or may not decide to spoil them, but they would probably come to expect money, and would grow up isolated from all of the other kids who consider them spoiled brats.
Society would begin to leach off of you. People who could care less about you when you were an average Joe, now consider you as being very prestigious and fantastic... not because you are a nice person, but for what you can do for them. You would have no where to turn, you would still be discontent with life, perhaps even more so, now having no real goals left except what has become the biggest part of your life--money.
Wouldn’t it suck to inherit millions of dollars?
Is money everything? Would you be set? Probably, you would quit your job and having nothing to do. All your time would be fun time. Now, you wait for the weekends, and have fun. Things are different, the weekend brings a change of pace, an adventure. If everyday were a weekend-day, fun would not be a change, and it would cease to be fun. Then, you’d have to reach for more, because man was meant to never be content (this is explained by the bible [so you may disregard it..but i think Genesis 3 sums it up nicely], but in a scientific sense makes sense too: Entropy makes us strive toward chaos, or in our case, a “higher level” of contentedness). You would probably start to do drugs or something, and of course you would want even more money.. oh, sure, 10 million is good enough you say, but how many athletes make that in a 30 second commercial and want more money? How may millionaire entertainers have died of drug overdoses? It is human nature not to be content.
Not only would you not be content, but you would begin to question whether your friends are your friends for you or your money (perhaps thinking this only because you now have too much time on your hands). Then, you would abandon your friends and search for friends who are already rich, thus limiting your scope to people you learned to hate when you were only in the middle-class.
Then, you might decide to have kids, you may or may not decide to spoil them, but they would probably come to expect money, and would grow up isolated from all of the other kids who consider them spoiled brats.
Society would begin to leach off of you. People who could care less about you when you were an average Joe, now consider you as being very prestigious and fantastic... not because you are a nice person, but for what you can do for them. You would have no where to turn, you would still be discontent with life, perhaps even more so, now having no real goals left except what has become the biggest part of your life--money.
Wouldn’t it suck to inherit millions of dollars?
Creation Theory
Theory 1--Creation Lets just say for one second that God did create us. This is my theory. It is a VERY human-centric view, but thus is creationism.
We were put on this earth by god. God had all of these animals on the planet, and decided to make a new race that would have everything to its disposal. He put man on the most ideal spot of the world, but put him on a big enough world that had man want to spread and colonize, there would be plenty of room. Man was made to live a care-free life. EVERYTHING was for man¹s enjoyment. All animals are for man¹s consumption and use. All plants were there for air, food, and alterd states of mind. We had not a care in the world but to live, and we had plenty of resources to live off of.
Mind-altering drugs and dreams were to create new realities. However, reality at the time was fantastic already. Then something went wrong.
Man spread too much. Man covered the earth, and kept multiplying. Now, we have to work so much harder to live in peace. Now we have overstepped our bounds.
If anything, we can blame the god for putting us here. But we should not do this. Why? news flash--he didn't.
Do you think that a god would give is everything and then take it away? Ahh, unless he is punishing the human race. Unless, in some far off world, we dicked him/her over, so in retribute, he/she put us here.
I doubt it. In fact, the pope doubts it.
But, doesn't.
We were put on this earth by god. God had all of these animals on the planet, and decided to make a new race that would have everything to its disposal. He put man on the most ideal spot of the world, but put him on a big enough world that had man want to spread and colonize, there would be plenty of room. Man was made to live a care-free life. EVERYTHING was for man¹s enjoyment. All animals are for man¹s consumption and use. All plants were there for air, food, and alterd states of mind. We had not a care in the world but to live, and we had plenty of resources to live off of.
Mind-altering drugs and dreams were to create new realities. However, reality at the time was fantastic already. Then something went wrong.
Man spread too much. Man covered the earth, and kept multiplying. Now, we have to work so much harder to live in peace. Now we have overstepped our bounds.
If anything, we can blame the god for putting us here. But we should not do this. Why? news flash--he didn't.
Do you think that a god would give is everything and then take it away? Ahh, unless he is punishing the human race. Unless, in some far off world, we dicked him/her over, so in retribute, he/she put us here.
I doubt it. In fact, the pope doubts it.
But, doesn't.
Destruction Theory
Theory 2--Destruction What if god put us here for another reason? What if he/she (to be from here on out stated as he) was punishing THE PLANET. What if humans were the self-destruct button for earth? We were put on this earth to destroy the planet (ourselves included), just like a parasite that kills its host, and eventually dies with it. We wonder why the parasite does this, but its plain as day--it does.
Reality Theory
Theory 3--Reality What is reality? Here we are on the planet earth. Someday we probably won¹t be. Why? Well, it does all make sense if you look at it from a scientific perspective. We are but a transient state for this universe. We were formed though entropy. And now, through entropy, we are "destroying" the planet. The fact is, we can not destroy anything. The system is changing, that is all. No matter what we do, entropy (and maybe not necessarily life) will find a way to continue.
We seem to be set on one reality. Some people actually feel that this is the only planet that "life" is on. It may very well be the only planet with OUR version of life. The thing is, we can't limit ourselves to this view of life.
Lets just say there is planet X. If the only constant in the universe is entropy, then this planet is going through changes as well. Eventually something resembling "life" may also be formed. Perhaps not necessarily "life," but just something else.
The point is, that humans probably won't be around for long. And lets just say we nuke the planet, and kill all living things. Who cares? Nobody or nothing cares, for we are essentially meaningless, and have no real control of our fate. It is bound to end, and the universe will keep heading in the direction of chaos.
We seem to be set on one reality. Some people actually feel that this is the only planet that "life" is on. It may very well be the only planet with OUR version of life. The thing is, we can't limit ourselves to this view of life.
Lets just say there is planet X. If the only constant in the universe is entropy, then this planet is going through changes as well. Eventually something resembling "life" may also be formed. Perhaps not necessarily "life," but just something else.
The point is, that humans probably won't be around for long. And lets just say we nuke the planet, and kill all living things. Who cares? Nobody or nothing cares, for we are essentially meaningless, and have no real control of our fate. It is bound to end, and the universe will keep heading in the direction of chaos.
Infinite Smallness Theory
Theory 4--Infinite smallness Ever look at bee colonies? They just have this intricate colony and organized way of social living. Humans say that we are the only organisms with the ability to think and reason. What if bees can (of course in a different sense) think? What if they "think" that they are the center of the universe, and the highest living life form. Lets say they (like us) can comprehend every life form that is at a lower organizational level than itself, but none higher. Thus, bees cannot comprehend us, and our reality.
What if it were the same for us? What if there is life beyond us, but we are just too oblivious to grasp it? What if "life" as we call it, or "organization" to phrase it better, just kept getting more and more complicated and larger? We can go it the small direction down to quarks... but what are quarks made up of? We can get it to the big direction up to a galaxy (with certainty, without using the generic term ³universe²), but what is next? Is the Milky way merely a quark of another system?
What if it were the same for us? What if there is life beyond us, but we are just too oblivious to grasp it? What if "life" as we call it, or "organization" to phrase it better, just kept getting more and more complicated and larger? We can go it the small direction down to quarks... but what are quarks made up of? We can get it to the big direction up to a galaxy (with certainty, without using the generic term ³universe²), but what is next? Is the Milky way merely a quark of another system?
Lucid Dreaming
As you may know, lucid dreaming is simply the awareness that you are dreaming when you are dreaming. What comes from this is often the ability to control the dream to some extent. In the simplest form of control, you can basically do anything you want to do with your current situation without any consequences. So for example, you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile... Then you can drive it as fast as you want to.. Or you can even wreck it into a wall if you want to. Or you may find yourself in the presence of a sexy person of the opposite gender (or the same gender if you go that way) and have sex.
But beyond this simple control, you can often have control over the actual situations in a dream. Often, you can simply make your surroundings change. You can do anything from change that ugly chick to a hottie, to change where you physically are in your made up world.
Imagine the ramifications. You have a fantasy world which you control. The world seems so realistic. It is as if it is real life, only it is a dream.
Currently, some people are doing research on the subject at . They have learned alot about dreaming in general, but their goal is to make it possible for anyone to have a lucid dream any time they want. Currently, you can increase your chances of having such dreams by doing various things.. (I myself have lucid dreams probably about once every couple of weeks)..
Lucid Dreaming Links
But beyond this simple control, you can often have control over the actual situations in a dream. Often, you can simply make your surroundings change. You can do anything from change that ugly chick to a hottie, to change where you physically are in your made up world.
Imagine the ramifications. You have a fantasy world which you control. The world seems so realistic. It is as if it is real life, only it is a dream.
Currently, some people are doing research on the subject at . They have learned alot about dreaming in general, but their goal is to make it possible for anyone to have a lucid dream any time they want. Currently, you can increase your chances of having such dreams by doing various things.. (I myself have lucid dreams probably about once every couple of weeks)..
Lucid Dreaming Links
Drugs - the state of the nation
Drugs. What an issue. It is a very big issue for a college student like me, faced with the decision often as to whether or not to do drugs. I'm not talking about heroin, or even cocaine. I'm talking about the general drugs that are offered to just about everyone in college--alcohol and marijuana. It is my opinion (well this whole essay is my opinion) that these two drugs are pretty much the two available drugs that can be dangerous, but if used in moderation, are perfectly alright. I do have several problems, however.
First of all, I have a serious problem with the alcohol situation in my state, and the nation. Alcohol is so glamorized, it is ridiculous. Turn on the television during any sporting event and if it's not a car commercial, it is a ridiculous beer commercial. This issue has been beaten to death so I will go no further. Lets continue.
I feel that alcohol in itself is not really that big of a problem. What is the problem is DUI. When drunk, as we all SHOULD know, one is not fit to operate a vehicle. Most accidents today involve alcohol. And what do we have as a punishment? Lose your license for 90 days? This is just ludicrous. I feel that if you are caught driving under the influence, you should serve at least a year in prison, no matter what. This will no doubt make drinkers think twice about driving. Perhaps an argument against this is prison overcrowding. However, our government seems to have no qualms about throwing people in prison for even possessing such other drugs that are less harmful that alcohol such as marijuana. (The FACT is that mj is less harmful. Unless you are living under a rock you know that you cannot overdose on marijuana, it is not physically addictive, there are NO cases of wife beatings involving marijuana (without alcohol), and there hardly any (if any) cases of car accidents involving ONLY marijuana; none of which can be said for alcohol).
The problem with alcohol in the US is that you have to be 21 to drink legally. Oh, and how much a rite of passage the age of 21 is. It is probably the most celebrated age (contending only with 16). Why? because you can legally drink. Had the drug (like in countries like Germany, who have some of their priorities straight) been legal at all ages, there would be no grand mystery to the drug, and it would be no big deal. However, get caught DUI in Germany, and you are FUCKED!
In fact, I feel that ALL drugs should be legalized. All the government money saved in the people who will no longer be in jail can be used toward education about drugs. Also, the government selling them would add even more revenue. This would truly give us the freedom of choice. Why not? because we have this bug in our heads that we must stick to the asinine taboos of our ancestors, and not progress our laws with logic and science.
You say this sounds absurd? Look at alcohol. My state has full control over selling liquor and wine. You can't go into a 7-11 in Pennsylvania and buy a bottle of booze. This is to the disguest of many Pennsylvanians who have to pay more for heavily restricted and taxed alcohol so the state can get more money. I totally agree with this approach. What I don't understand is why so many "upstanding Pennsylvanians" are so gung-ho about dropping this restriction so alcohol is easier and cheaper to get, yet are so anti-marijuana. Alcoholsim, perhaps? What kind of twisted message does the government send when it makes one drug legal that is more harmful than illegal drugs? I wholehartedly agree that drugs should be legalized. However, why shouldn't the government make a profit on the deal? It is totally legal to make your own wine and drink it here in Pa. So if you think the prices aren't right, then make your own. So if the government's pot price is too high, grow your own!
These opinions sound so radical, yes. But, I would love to hear arguments against them. I'm not God, my philosophies can be flawed (I know our government's are). The only reason I can see that none of this is happening is because change just doesn't like to happen. Entropy is so damn slow. The people of our nation just are fed the same shit, and they eat it right up. Everyone just wants to look good; just stick with the status-quo. Don't make a scene, and everything will be alright. Well, I don't think so.
First of all, I have a serious problem with the alcohol situation in my state, and the nation. Alcohol is so glamorized, it is ridiculous. Turn on the television during any sporting event and if it's not a car commercial, it is a ridiculous beer commercial. This issue has been beaten to death so I will go no further. Lets continue.
I feel that alcohol in itself is not really that big of a problem. What is the problem is DUI. When drunk, as we all SHOULD know, one is not fit to operate a vehicle. Most accidents today involve alcohol. And what do we have as a punishment? Lose your license for 90 days? This is just ludicrous. I feel that if you are caught driving under the influence, you should serve at least a year in prison, no matter what. This will no doubt make drinkers think twice about driving. Perhaps an argument against this is prison overcrowding. However, our government seems to have no qualms about throwing people in prison for even possessing such other drugs that are less harmful that alcohol such as marijuana. (The FACT is that mj is less harmful. Unless you are living under a rock you know that you cannot overdose on marijuana, it is not physically addictive, there are NO cases of wife beatings involving marijuana (without alcohol), and there hardly any (if any) cases of car accidents involving ONLY marijuana; none of which can be said for alcohol).
The problem with alcohol in the US is that you have to be 21 to drink legally. Oh, and how much a rite of passage the age of 21 is. It is probably the most celebrated age (contending only with 16). Why? because you can legally drink. Had the drug (like in countries like Germany, who have some of their priorities straight) been legal at all ages, there would be no grand mystery to the drug, and it would be no big deal. However, get caught DUI in Germany, and you are FUCKED!
In fact, I feel that ALL drugs should be legalized. All the government money saved in the people who will no longer be in jail can be used toward education about drugs. Also, the government selling them would add even more revenue. This would truly give us the freedom of choice. Why not? because we have this bug in our heads that we must stick to the asinine taboos of our ancestors, and not progress our laws with logic and science.
You say this sounds absurd? Look at alcohol. My state has full control over selling liquor and wine. You can't go into a 7-11 in Pennsylvania and buy a bottle of booze. This is to the disguest of many Pennsylvanians who have to pay more for heavily restricted and taxed alcohol so the state can get more money. I totally agree with this approach. What I don't understand is why so many "upstanding Pennsylvanians" are so gung-ho about dropping this restriction so alcohol is easier and cheaper to get, yet are so anti-marijuana. Alcoholsim, perhaps? What kind of twisted message does the government send when it makes one drug legal that is more harmful than illegal drugs? I wholehartedly agree that drugs should be legalized. However, why shouldn't the government make a profit on the deal? It is totally legal to make your own wine and drink it here in Pa. So if you think the prices aren't right, then make your own. So if the government's pot price is too high, grow your own!
These opinions sound so radical, yes. But, I would love to hear arguments against them. I'm not God, my philosophies can be flawed (I know our government's are). The only reason I can see that none of this is happening is because change just doesn't like to happen. Entropy is so damn slow. The people of our nation just are fed the same shit, and they eat it right up. Everyone just wants to look good; just stick with the status-quo. Don't make a scene, and everything will be alright. Well, I don't think so.
Security - the state of the nation
I am 19. By the time I am 65, I will be fucked. Why? Because my generation will not care until it is too late. Right now, the baby boomers (my parents) are in control of the government. Everyone up to this point has really done a shitty job. The national debt is just astronomical. The social security system is on the fritz. Ya know whats gonna happen when the baby boomers get to be 65? No more social security for me. Do you think they really give a shit? They are the voters right now. They are putting these morons in office who are running this country to the ground. Why? because my generation doesn't give a shit. We don't know what we're in for. We don't vote, we don't take action. We just let the same old schmucks run amuck. Finally, when we are old enough to realize what has happened, we will be in deep shit. No social security, a terrible debt, overpopulation...we will be fucked... Have a nice day :)
KKK Rally in Pittsburgh
This past weekend (April 5, 1997), the Ku Klux Klowns held a rally downtown. It was a much anticipated rally, bringing people out of the woodwork to either protest it, support it, or just check it out (like me). At any rate, besides the fact that the city spent $18,000 on a fence surrounding the klan, plus who knows how much on S.W.A.T. teams and overtime police, there was also a peace rally being held down the street against the Klan.
Well, I was up trying to get a glimse of the Klan from about a mile away, wondering if I'd even remotely hear what they had to say with all of the loud-mouthed protesteors chanting something along the lines of "2,4,6,8 we don't want no racist hate." At any rate, there were about 5 or 6 skinheads standing by me. They were just standing there, not speaking to anyone, not making nusiances of themselves (like the "anti-Klan" who were passing out these "fact sheets." These "fact sheets" of course, stated nothing about why Gammage was pulled over, nor of the respiratory problem he had. The entire Pittsburgh Police force was standing around to protect these people from killing eachother, and all they could do was bash the cops.)
So, the skinheads were just standing around and talking amongst themselves. Then, someone finally noticed they were skinheads and this huge crowd of "peace loving" anti-Klan start walking over to them.. They then proceed to shout and chant in the Skinheads' faces--like 2 inches from their faces! Then, they started throwing things at them. The skinheads did nothing in response. Finally, I guess some anti-Klan got pissed that they elicted no reaction and a fight broke out and the cops had to break it up.
Here they were, "peace loving, anti-hate" anti-Klan. And guess who started it? I can't believe the hypocrisy that people like that have. It's shit like this that makes me laugh at all activists in general--from "pro life" activists who would sooner kill a doctor than allow the death of an unborn child probably doomed to a life void of love, to the KKK spreading hateful messages because of skin color. But at least the Skinheads and Klan don't claim to be "anti violent" and "anti-hate" like the anti-Klan i saw at the rally.
Anyway, I then walked down the street to the "peace rally". At the rally, I heard some black chick talking about Citizen Review boards. The CRB's are a proposal by the blacks of the city who feel that the cops discriminate against them. They want to judge every action the police do, even though they aren't the ones out there putting their lives on the line every day for the safety of people who don't like them. I was a cop in this city, I'd probably be edgy too. One cop on a media interview stated something along the lines of "It was no peace rally, it was a police-bashing rally."
I really don't care for the Klan. I mean, I really would like to go to a meeting or rally and just see what they had to say. I'd just like to hear their logic, but unfortunately, most people rely on what they see on TV to judge the Klan. I admit that I'm pretty ignorant of what goes on. I have seen "A Time to Kill" (Samuel L. was totally right, and Samuel L. Kicks ass), and I believe that shit can get like that, and I'm totally not for that.. but Klan talking at the City County building?? C'mon, give me a break.. what kind of harm can they possibly be causing? One thing I have to give the Klan and Skinheads, that the Black community doesn't seem to have, is a unity amongst themselves. It's common, everyday news (I hate the news, it's so sick) to see that a black man shot another... We don't even think twice. The blacks can't even seem to unite as a black community, let alone with the whites.
I'm not saying this is the general rule. I'm not saying that blacks suck. There is a large force in the Black community to be united with themselves--black pride and whatnot. But, so too has the KKK. They've got white pride. What's the difference? I understand that the KKK is an activist group who does lots of nasty shit to blacks. That, I disagree with. The Klan bases decisions on skin color, overgeneralizing.
Well, I was up trying to get a glimse of the Klan from about a mile away, wondering if I'd even remotely hear what they had to say with all of the loud-mouthed protesteors chanting something along the lines of "2,4,6,8 we don't want no racist hate." At any rate, there were about 5 or 6 skinheads standing by me. They were just standing there, not speaking to anyone, not making nusiances of themselves (like the "anti-Klan" who were passing out these "fact sheets." These "fact sheets" of course, stated nothing about why Gammage was pulled over, nor of the respiratory problem he had. The entire Pittsburgh Police force was standing around to protect these people from killing eachother, and all they could do was bash the cops.)
So, the skinheads were just standing around and talking amongst themselves. Then, someone finally noticed they were skinheads and this huge crowd of "peace loving" anti-Klan start walking over to them.. They then proceed to shout and chant in the Skinheads' faces--like 2 inches from their faces! Then, they started throwing things at them. The skinheads did nothing in response. Finally, I guess some anti-Klan got pissed that they elicted no reaction and a fight broke out and the cops had to break it up.
Here they were, "peace loving, anti-hate" anti-Klan. And guess who started it? I can't believe the hypocrisy that people like that have. It's shit like this that makes me laugh at all activists in general--from "pro life" activists who would sooner kill a doctor than allow the death of an unborn child probably doomed to a life void of love, to the KKK spreading hateful messages because of skin color. But at least the Skinheads and Klan don't claim to be "anti violent" and "anti-hate" like the anti-Klan i saw at the rally.
Anyway, I then walked down the street to the "peace rally". At the rally, I heard some black chick talking about Citizen Review boards. The CRB's are a proposal by the blacks of the city who feel that the cops discriminate against them. They want to judge every action the police do, even though they aren't the ones out there putting their lives on the line every day for the safety of people who don't like them. I was a cop in this city, I'd probably be edgy too. One cop on a media interview stated something along the lines of "It was no peace rally, it was a police-bashing rally."
I really don't care for the Klan. I mean, I really would like to go to a meeting or rally and just see what they had to say. I'd just like to hear their logic, but unfortunately, most people rely on what they see on TV to judge the Klan. I admit that I'm pretty ignorant of what goes on. I have seen "A Time to Kill" (Samuel L. was totally right, and Samuel L. Kicks ass), and I believe that shit can get like that, and I'm totally not for that.. but Klan talking at the City County building?? C'mon, give me a break.. what kind of harm can they possibly be causing? One thing I have to give the Klan and Skinheads, that the Black community doesn't seem to have, is a unity amongst themselves. It's common, everyday news (I hate the news, it's so sick) to see that a black man shot another... We don't even think twice. The blacks can't even seem to unite as a black community, let alone with the whites.
I'm not saying this is the general rule. I'm not saying that blacks suck. There is a large force in the Black community to be united with themselves--black pride and whatnot. But, so too has the KKK. They've got white pride. What's the difference? I understand that the KKK is an activist group who does lots of nasty shit to blacks. That, I disagree with. The Klan bases decisions on skin color, overgeneralizing.
Evolution is Dead
Say what? I just read this book last night. It is The Collapse of Evolution by Scott M. Huse.
Let me tell you. There are some pretty impressive arguments against evolution. All my life I've been force fed evolution through school, coming to the conclusion that it is the only solution. On the other side of the spectrum, you have the Catholic Church; how are their antiquated methods going to convince a young scientist like myself to believe that some supernatural being came down here and created Earth.
So I've nautrally been tending toward what the scientific community has deemed our origins--evolution. Ahh, but I realized that Christianity and science aren't mutually exculsive (unlike Christianity and evolution).
Huse has some really convincing arguments against the theory of evolution. Considering what I've read in this book, I'm actually starting to change my outlook on life....well maybe not my outlook on life, but at least my opinions of our origins.
Following is an outline of his arguments. I must stress that this is only for those of you who aren't really that interested in the topic and don't want to read the book. However, it is only about 120 pages and I finished it in under 2 hours (and I am a SLOW reader)
Let me tell you. There are some pretty impressive arguments against evolution. All my life I've been force fed evolution through school, coming to the conclusion that it is the only solution. On the other side of the spectrum, you have the Catholic Church; how are their antiquated methods going to convince a young scientist like myself to believe that some supernatural being came down here and created Earth.
So I've nautrally been tending toward what the scientific community has deemed our origins--evolution. Ahh, but I realized that Christianity and science aren't mutually exculsive (unlike Christianity and evolution).
Huse has some really convincing arguments against the theory of evolution. Considering what I've read in this book, I'm actually starting to change my outlook on life....well maybe not my outlook on life, but at least my opinions of our origins.
Following is an outline of his arguments. I must stress that this is only for those of you who aren't really that interested in the topic and don't want to read the book. However, it is only about 120 pages and I finished it in under 2 hours (and I am a SLOW reader)
- Geology
- Geologic Column: Pretty much, the Geologic column is bullshit. Nowhere on earth is the entire column intact. Also, in many places the column is out of order.. That is there are dinosaur fossils in human footprints, etc. Also, radioactive dating is not only very inaccurate (there have been living snails dated to be thousands of years old), but limited in what it can do. The geologic column is not based on radioactive dating. Pretty much, the column and evolution are circular reasoning.
- Processes that indicate a young Earth
- The Earth's magnetic field: The Earth's magnetic field is constantly weakening. If the earth were 10,000 years old (let alone 4 billion), the field would have been as strong as a magnetic star. The reversal hypothesis (the poles swap once in a while). The last was believed to have been 700,000 years ago. This hypothesis has no scientific backing.
- Meteoritic Dust: there is a constant rate of cosmic dust falling to earth. If it were falling for the last 5 billion years, there would be a layer 182 feet thick over all the world. Also, on the moon, it would be even deeper. Erosion is refuted because of the nickel content of Earth.
- Earth's Rotation: The rotation of Earth is gradually slowing. If the earth were 4 billion years old, it would have stopped. Unless, 4 billion years ago, the Earth was spinning fast enough to smash the planet into a pancake, putting all of the land at the equators.
- Population growth: If man has been on Earth for 1 million years, and population growth was at 1/2% (it is now at 2%), it would take 4,000 years to yield the present population. The number of people in our generation would be 10^2100. (you can only fit 10^130 electrons in the universe).
- Paleontology: It seems that this field actually supports creationism and catastophism. Not one change of species into another is on record. Even several cases of humans trying to change species have failed. Also, there is a complete absence of transitional forms. It seems that between the different steps of evolution, there are great gaps.
- Physics: Entropy...Given enough time, all of the energy onf the universe will become random low-level heat energy and the universe will have died what is commonly referred to as a heat death.
- Mathematics: Just look at the sheer statistical probability of randomness creating the wonders on earth today.
- Biology: Basically the very specialized systems that living things have on earth could not have been created by evolution. Just the evolution of the human eye alone is preposterous. Anything less than it is today would be completely useless. Also, Huse has some pretty good points about various other systems in nature that only work as they are, and could never have any use to organisms in any form less than their present.
- Anthropology: Pretty much.. Every single pre-man form (neandrethal, etc) has been found to be either a human, a non-human, or neither.
- Commonly cited 'proofs' of evolution: several are tackled and refuted.
Christianity Theory
My opinions are in constant flux. However, this is my current creation/evolution belief as of 1/8/1999 (notice the y2k compliance :) Entropy is still what rules the world. I believe in natural selection. However, I believe in god and creation.... WHAT??!!??!
While both evolution and creation have their holes, I've come to realize that the entire issue isn't what it seems to be. Yes, I would like to believe in creation and be able to refute every hole that evolutionists point out to me, and I'd like to be able to retort with an equally damaging hole in evolution.. But the whole issue is beyond that.
I've read enough evidence against creation. I've read enough evidence against evolution. But before I get to the heart of it all, lets take a step back.
Lets just say that entropy, which is in existance today, created us. That means that nothing really matters. It means that in 100 years, probably 99% of the humans on earth today will have no meaning. It means that the other 1% will probably mean nothing shortly after that. It means that there is no point to what is going on. And if you believe in evolution, you believe that to be the case. The theory of evolution is built around entropy. So basically whatever happens happens.. and that is the end of it. That is the meaning of life.. You can try to be happy within your own little world, and just do whatever it takes to acheive happiness, but when you die nothing happens.. your life is over.. that is it.. I guess this also means that Maslow was right, and there is nothing left beyond the occasional Self Actualization.
However, the greater ramifications beyond all of this are that sins do not exist. I suppose in some form you can sin, or commit an unethical act, but if you get away with it, then all is cool.. and if you can get away with it for the rest of your life, then this is all good...right?
And lets just say I believe in evolution, but we were created by god. Then when my judgement day comes, I can just join the devil (who is now my friend).
Ok, that's a stretch, you say. Ok.. Well, lets look at a creationsit's situation and assume that evolution is a truth. I go thorough my life believing in god. I bear some sort of allegance to a higher being. I follow the teachings of the bible (which i personally believe if you follow the bible, you can be happy. it is sort of a sure-fire way..but not the only be happy.) So I am happy. I contribute to the next generation. I don't cause too many people too many problems, i.e. i make others happy. But I was wrong about my theory of life. Yes, I was wrong. But who will care in 100 years that I believed in god and there wasn't one? If evolution is the case, it really doesn't matter what I believe. It doesn't matter what anyone believes.
I'm not saying that is enough to be a creationist.. nobody wants to be a fool.. but let me give you my own little theory.
I think we were created. We lived pretty much in paradise. We were given complete free will to do what we chose, except God chose one thing that we couldn't do. He chose the apple tree in the middle of the garden.. He basically said, "if you want me to give you everything you want, then you have to follow this one act of authority." Man sinned, God said.. "Well, now you are on your own." And what better way to make things completely objective than to give us entropy. So from that day forth, natural selection, entropy, evolution.. it all became relavant. Because god has stepped aside and given us our chance.
God also left behind some guidance. We have the rules.. "No adultury, no stealing.." Funny that if we followed most of the things on this list, statistics show that we live happier lives. Funny that medicine is proving the seven deadly sins.
Mebbe the bible was the act of some genius philosophers thousands of years ago.. Perhaps the bible is just an allegory.. something to give us the strength to deal. But I personally think there is more to it. It is as if someone knew exactly what was best for people.. Umm... perhaps our creator?
I don't know whats gonna happen, but entropy is taking us to the point of destruction. Eventually there will be a time when God steps back into the picture. And when he does, I want to be on HIS side.
While both evolution and creation have their holes, I've come to realize that the entire issue isn't what it seems to be. Yes, I would like to believe in creation and be able to refute every hole that evolutionists point out to me, and I'd like to be able to retort with an equally damaging hole in evolution.. But the whole issue is beyond that.
I've read enough evidence against creation. I've read enough evidence against evolution. But before I get to the heart of it all, lets take a step back.
Lets just say that entropy, which is in existance today, created us. That means that nothing really matters. It means that in 100 years, probably 99% of the humans on earth today will have no meaning. It means that the other 1% will probably mean nothing shortly after that. It means that there is no point to what is going on. And if you believe in evolution, you believe that to be the case. The theory of evolution is built around entropy. So basically whatever happens happens.. and that is the end of it. That is the meaning of life.. You can try to be happy within your own little world, and just do whatever it takes to acheive happiness, but when you die nothing happens.. your life is over.. that is it.. I guess this also means that Maslow was right, and there is nothing left beyond the occasional Self Actualization.
However, the greater ramifications beyond all of this are that sins do not exist. I suppose in some form you can sin, or commit an unethical act, but if you get away with it, then all is cool.. and if you can get away with it for the rest of your life, then this is all good...right?
And lets just say I believe in evolution, but we were created by god. Then when my judgement day comes, I can just join the devil (who is now my friend).
Ok, that's a stretch, you say. Ok.. Well, lets look at a creationsit's situation and assume that evolution is a truth. I go thorough my life believing in god. I bear some sort of allegance to a higher being. I follow the teachings of the bible (which i personally believe if you follow the bible, you can be happy. it is sort of a sure-fire way..but not the only be happy.) So I am happy. I contribute to the next generation. I don't cause too many people too many problems, i.e. i make others happy. But I was wrong about my theory of life. Yes, I was wrong. But who will care in 100 years that I believed in god and there wasn't one? If evolution is the case, it really doesn't matter what I believe. It doesn't matter what anyone believes.
I'm not saying that is enough to be a creationist.. nobody wants to be a fool.. but let me give you my own little theory.
I think we were created. We lived pretty much in paradise. We were given complete free will to do what we chose, except God chose one thing that we couldn't do. He chose the apple tree in the middle of the garden.. He basically said, "if you want me to give you everything you want, then you have to follow this one act of authority." Man sinned, God said.. "Well, now you are on your own." And what better way to make things completely objective than to give us entropy. So from that day forth, natural selection, entropy, evolution.. it all became relavant. Because god has stepped aside and given us our chance.
God also left behind some guidance. We have the rules.. "No adultury, no stealing.." Funny that if we followed most of the things on this list, statistics show that we live happier lives. Funny that medicine is proving the seven deadly sins.
Mebbe the bible was the act of some genius philosophers thousands of years ago.. Perhaps the bible is just an allegory.. something to give us the strength to deal. But I personally think there is more to it. It is as if someone knew exactly what was best for people.. Umm... perhaps our creator?
I don't know whats gonna happen, but entropy is taking us to the point of destruction. Eventually there will be a time when God steps back into the picture. And when he does, I want to be on HIS side.
Nicomachean Ethics
This term (spring 98), I am taking an Ethics course. A very interesting book we read was Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. It is a pretty good book with some interesting insights on ethics. The gist (in my interpretation, which is ALWAYS up for dispute, but of course you should always take this into account when you read anything on the internet) is that happiness is the highest good. It is the thing we strive for over everything else. The way to acheive it is through a life of reasoning and making good decisions about what you should do with yourself and others. Happiness is not to be confused with pleasure... Being stoned 24-7 and forgetting about responsibility may be pleasurable, but it won't make you happy.
However, happiness could involve taking a toke every once in a while... The idea is that you have to use your ability to reason correctly about what makes you happy. How do you get this ability? Through habituation. If you are brought up in a good environment with nurturing parents who tell you what is right and wrong and at first MAKE YOU FOLLOW it, eventually you will see that the moral and righteous way is the way that will make you happy. So, this could explain why many people from the ghetto aren't nice.
Here is a better description of my interpretation of Aristotle's work.
Another body of ethical reasoning lies in Kant's Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals. Kant seems to believe that ethics are based on one fundamental truth called the categorical imperative. If your action does not follow this imperative, then your action is not a moral one. What is the categorical imperative? "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it (your maxim) should become a universal law."
If that makes no sense to you, then perhaps you can either read his work, or read my interpretation of Kant. However, I Kant gaurantee that you'll understand that either (pun intended :)
However, happiness could involve taking a toke every once in a while... The idea is that you have to use your ability to reason correctly about what makes you happy. How do you get this ability? Through habituation. If you are brought up in a good environment with nurturing parents who tell you what is right and wrong and at first MAKE YOU FOLLOW it, eventually you will see that the moral and righteous way is the way that will make you happy. So, this could explain why many people from the ghetto aren't nice.
Here is a better description of my interpretation of Aristotle's work.
Another body of ethical reasoning lies in Kant's Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals. Kant seems to believe that ethics are based on one fundamental truth called the categorical imperative. If your action does not follow this imperative, then your action is not a moral one. What is the categorical imperative? "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it (your maxim) should become a universal law."
If that makes no sense to you, then perhaps you can either read his work, or read my interpretation of Kant. However, I Kant gaurantee that you'll understand that either (pun intended :)
Disillusionment by the Catholic Church
I personally consider myself to be a relatively spiritual person. I believe in God. I pray almost every night with my own little version of the 'our father'. However, i would not consider myself religious. In fact, i would have to say that while the Church (the Catholic Church in particular is what i'm talking about.. for it is the one i have the most experience with) serves a decent purpose in life for many people, it is also very damaging to God.
The Catholic Church is so full of ritual that it has totally lost all value. Stand up.. kneel.. sit down.. sing... 'and also with you' 'the word of god'....
Then they start all this bullshit like 'if you don't goto church you are a heathen.. and crap like that. Then i go to church once in a while, and everyone is in a rush to get out.. like they gotta beat the traffic or something. why even go to church if your gonna be like that? Too many Catholics goto church just to say they went to church i think. It is a shame that there is this guilt to go to church.
The Catholic Church is so full of ritual that it has totally lost all value. Stand up.. kneel.. sit down.. sing... 'and also with you' 'the word of god'....
Then they start all this bullshit like 'if you don't goto church you are a heathen.. and crap like that. Then i go to church once in a while, and everyone is in a rush to get out.. like they gotta beat the traffic or something. why even go to church if your gonna be like that? Too many Catholics goto church just to say they went to church i think. It is a shame that there is this guilt to go to church.
The 5 Levels of Racism
Levels of racism
- Ignorance resulting in humor
- Discrimination through words
- Discrimination through actions
- Hate
- Violence
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